Hi, guys...thanks for checking in!
We have been so blessed by your prayers and support while being back in Toledo.
We have seen God at work so much this year! He has given us many opportunities to serve and for that we are so grateful! He truly has been so very faithful to us.
What are you guys doing?
God has enabled Aaron to continue being self employed. He loves it and is very thankful when God supplies the work to keep him busy;)
Are you still planing on going back to training for ministry overseas?
YES, YES and YES!!!! God has us here right now but we are working hard to pay off a college school loan. While we are doing that we pray that God would also allow us to adopt children before returning.
Are you still fostering?
Yes, we are! We still have Jacob and have many children live with us, emergency placements, from time to time.
Are you going to foster forever?
Not that we know of....lol...unless God has other plans for us. We hope to adopt a small sibling group and than be able to return back to finish our training with New Tribes.
Where are you living?
We are still renting a two bedroom, now 3 bedroom since Aaron built our bedroom in the basement, house in South Toledo. As our children grow and our foster children come and go we see a huge need for more space. But currently, we choose to be content and very thankful for all God has provided us with!
Where do all those kids sleep?
We get this question a lot...lol
Yes! In one room we have two bunk beds (4 boys). In the other room we have one bunk bed and a crib. We also have one extra twin bed/frame and 2 sofa couches with double mattresses in them! So yes, God has provided plenty of sleeping room...its the kids running space that is limited;)
Who do you have right now?
We have 6 under 7 right now. We have (1) 1 1/2 year old, (2) 2 1/2 year olds, (1) 4 year old, (1) five year old and (1) seven year old!
The two children who are with us are emergency placements for about 7 days. We received a call for children services last Thursday...and were very nervous taking on 3 little ones so close together. It wouldn't have been so worrisome if we only had to stay home this week. But that wasn't the case....We had my sister's cancer walk (by the way she is still doing great, Praise the Lord!) on Saturday night (Aaron was working so he couldn't be there) and than we had the opportunity to travel 45 minutes to share with family and friends saved and unsaved the hope of Jesus Christ on Sunday morning (we went praying non-stop that God would be with the children (helping them behave) be with us (sharing only words that would come from Him) and praying that he would plant seeds in the hearts of those who listening. Believe it or not the kids were great and God never left us!
Who is in school?
We are homeschooling Austin and Ethan this year and loving it! We don't have custody of Jacob so he is required to go to public school. We walk him to the bus every morning and upon his return home he is greeted by all the kids and I at the bus stop!
How is your family doing a year in a half after your father's home going?
Overall, I think we all would definitely say it has been very hard and difficult to watch each other grieve in different ways and for each of us financial hardship has been well known. But with that I believe each one of us would tell you how awesome God is, how his plan for each of us is perfect, how his timing is perfect and how his faithfulness as carried all of us through the raging waters!!!!!!
Any more questions we can answer??? leave us a comment below and we will answer it the best we can!
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