Above twin sister Kristi and I at her first cancer free walk in September. The kids and I made tank tops in honor of my sister and mother's fight against Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Colon Cancer. Click on the pics to get a better view.
My sister, her husband (Jason) and her 3 beautiful children (Faith, Kristalynn and Holden) are in need of prayer warriors. Will you spend some time on your knees before our heavenly Father and uplift her and her family to the Lord.
For those of you who do not know or do not remember all the details...last year the same week our father went to be with the Lord my sister found out she had stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The scans found it through out her whole body.
She was told that with out treatment she would be dead by Christmas ( 3-5 months). Well God wasn't through with her and completely took away all the cancer in her body with in the same month! At the advice of her doctors she continued down the road of chemo and 8 months later was, Praise the Lord, in remission! However, we believe she was healed in the beginning.
This last year has been such a growing time for Kristi. I have seen her trust God like no one else I know. I have seen her faith not be moved. I have seen her strength come from the Mighty One. I have seen the Light of Jesus in her. I have seen her reach out and love the unloved and rejected. I have seen her minister to the lost(...her neighbor girl, a stripper, expressed absolutely no interest in calling on Jesus until last month ...God used Kristi to lead her to salvation in Jesus Christ!).
I have seen a wife that will stand by her husband no matter how strong the storm gets. I have seen a woman mature from a child to a God fearing follower of Jesus Christ.
The light of Jesus is shining so bright in her life. You look at her or talk to her and you know she has something that very few people have. A REAL DEEP and meaningful relationship with the Savior of the world; Jesus Christ.
I have hungered for that light, I have thirsted for that joy and I have been continually moved by her faithfulness in the promises of God's Word.
2 weeks ago Kris found another painful lump on the back of her neck. The doctor told her she was fine and he would see her back in 4 months. She said, NO WAY...and insisted, insisted and insisted on being sent for a CT scan. After frustrating the doctor he said fine...and she received her CT Scan. The results came back indeterminate....what ever that means.
So believe it or not the doctor that told her she was fine became concerned and sent her for a Pet Scan. It took him two weeks.
Yesterday, we went to the doctor to get the results...
They found the tumor in her chest back and it is twice as big . This time it wasn't anywhere else but her chest. They couldn't explain the horribly painful neck aches that she has been having or the on set of severe migraines these last two weeks.
This doctor didn't even take time to finish reading the report ..which we found to say that the radiologist recommended the doctor to send her for a brain MRI.
Krist went back in and had to fight to get the brain MRI as well.
Before she left...the doctor told her that they are going to have to go in through her throat and down to her chest to get a biopsy. IF it is Hodgkin's they will be sending her to the Cleveland Clinic for 30 days...she will be a unit with no contact from anyone and will be in need of a bone marrow transplant and a stem cell transplant. She will also be taking chemo while all this is going on. The doctor also told her survival rate was not 80/20 anymore...it would be 50/50. We know God knows more than the doctor's crazy statistics and he will decide the perfect time ... of her healing and home going...it won't be a minute to soon or to late.
Only God's strength could pull a human being through all of this.
If it is not Hodgkin's than they will have to take a different route. She hasn't had pain in her chest until yesterday. Today the pain is in her chest and has been very painful today.
The headaches/migraines have been going on for a couple weeks.
She is having her brain MRI on Monday , her surgery consult on Tuesday, her surgery for the biopsy on Wed. or Thurs. and than we should know the results by the end of the week.
Please pray...her faith is resting in God's control of her life and God perfect plan. She rest in the fact that God is not going to take her home until her work here is done and he has completed what He has started in her!
She desires God to be glorified through all the suffering and pain that might be to come .... but we believe God heals TODAY! ...
Here are some words for from an email she sent out:
so please pray for joy for me , (rejoice in all circumstances, the bible says ) peace for me and my family, and for me not to doubt......ever,.... that the Lord can't heal me.... i have been reading and reading the Bible, and noticed in the gospels, that the Lord didn't heal those people because he felt bad for them, or they begged him, or because they were good people, he healed them because of there faith..... Jesus said, your faith has made you well, get up and go.....and thats what i am praying for.....confidence in the Lord, no matter what i feel, see, or hear......the Lord is bigger than all of this !!! Jesus also said, because you believe, you are well...... praise the Lord, for his promises..... as i walk threw the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil, for the Lord is with me.....always....the Lord works for the good of those who love him and are called according to HIS PLAN for them....
thanks for your love and support....kristi, jason, faithmarie, kristalynn, and little man, holden
By His stripes we pray Kristi will be healed!
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