5:33 AM. He was born weighing in at a whopping 1 pound and 14 ounces.

With out going into all the emergency details...my sister Korinne is doing much better and "little Jeffy" is doing better aswell!!!!! We definitely felt and see your many prayers being answered.Thank you for being prayer warriors on behalf of my family.
Talk about a miracle...I have NEVER been so in awe of God's creation! He is so amazing....
"Little Jeffy" is so very tiny.... I rejoice that God is holding Him in the palm of His hand...as I remember that God already knows the plans and purposes for this beautiful child!
I was up for 40 hours so please forgive me for not being able to get back to you all earlier with an update.
Your prayers are so important to God and to us...thank you for ministering to our family in this way.
As of this morning I received a text saying "Little Jeffy" is breathing on his own and my sister and Jeff where able to hear him cry. ;)
Praise God for His MERCY at this time in our lives!!!!
The road is still a long one but we look forward to leaning not on our OWN understanding....but rather placing all our trust in God's PERFECT plan for this little one and his parents.
Jamithy, that is great to hear. We will continue to pray.
wow, he's a tiny one. In my prayers.
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